Flying Tips For Wheelchair Users

For wheelchair users, navigating air travel may not be the most exciting thing to do. Dealing with the crowded airport, excess luggage and long queues while being confined to a chair could be frustrating. Here are some helpful flying tips …

Tips for Becoming a Better Saver

Traveling the world and achieving set travel goals requires money. Now, how much will totally depend on how well you can plan and execute your travel plans. Whether you are saving to join our annual group trip, your honeymoon or a family vacation, …

Best Travelling Apps

Proper planning makes all the difference between a rushed, stressful trip and a restful, worry-free vacation. And, trust me when I say the best travelling apps can make your trip worthwhile. From trip planners and itinerary generators to online marketplaces …

Apartment or Hotel?

When planning your vacation, have you ever considered staying in a private apartment instead of a hotel? Here are some factors to consider next time you are booking your trip. First, apartments allow travellers to soak up more of the …