When a Man Loves a Woman

When a Man Loves a Woman

Some people don’t know how to do things in small measures. When they work, they work hard. When they play, they play hard. When it’s time to love, they give everything. There are no half measures. If life must be lived, then it must be lived in full.
They believe perfection is possible and they strive to achieve it. And they try real hard. Intensity is seen in their execution. Passion, tenacity, depth, drive their focus. It’s all or nothing! Those around them are the benefactors of their vehemence as they reach deep down to bring forth happiness to them. It’s never about them. Their satisfaction is derived from your elation and elevation.

Waking up everyday beside someone like this can only be a blessing because you know it will be a beautiful day. The kind of day I was given on Friday, 03 March 2017. A day in which I lived in an alternate reality all day long, merely thinking it was another day to mark my birth. I was expecting the ‘usual’, but it was time to turn up the heat!

From the surprise dress which I was ‘mandated’ to wear to work to conniving with whomever to decorate my office, to showing up at my job with a cake and a camera man behind, to going out for lunch only to meet my friends there, to getting a saxophonist to serenade us, to having everyone in the restaurant sing me a birthday song down to the awesome food.

Need I say I was super excited already. It was already too much! Ok, back to work and I get a spa invite. Oh wow! I’ll take it. Hit the road to make it in time for 5:15pm. He wasn’t there! But I did get my queenly treatment.

Then I was told plans changed for the better. “Why don’t we go home, freshen up, see the kids before they go to bed, then head out for the evening leg?” He suggested. “Sounds good,” I intoned.

I raced down home, doing 75 on a 65, rushing to tuck the babies in and continue my blissful day. I wouldn’t let anyone get in the way. Lol.

I got to the driveway, saw his car parked in an awkward position, get my handbag, lock the car, brought out my keys with one thing in mind, “why did you park like that?” I threw the door open, slightly wider than I needed to and that was it – a great cloud of witnesses. I blanked out! I couldn’t recognise a face. All I saw were figures, and a thunderous “SURPRISE!” Dang!

Dude put me on a looonnnnng thing all day. My house didn’t look like my house. It was an event centre. After sixty long seconds, eyes cleared, OMG!!! This is surreal. Then I saw many other faces too numerous to mention. Then, of course, the chief culprit, my husband.

My cheek still hurts from laughing so hard and the disbelief quickly registered on my face. How on earth did he pull this off in our house without my input and knowledge??? I was amazed, shocked, dazed but more importantly, I was curious. It felt like a coup. This guy killed it! He dropped the mic! How perfect!!! How long has he been “stealing’ my phone contacts? How? When? Which? He wasn’t one step ahead this time, it was too many steps. And I hate to play catch up. Dang!!!
Hey, but it’s time to soak it all in. It doesn’t matter anymore. Greeted all my guests. Was super excited to see them. Lots of good food to eat and drink.

Party on, then I get another dress. This time the party dress. Oh wow! I put on the party dress, came down, cut the cake, took pictures, danced.

And just when we thought we had seen it all, he announced there was one more showing. Really? No way! I’m done! I’ve exhausted all my emotions. I have no more to give. He promised this was the last surprise, but why should I believe him? He has told me all sorts all day long. Remember, I’ve been living in an alternate reality.
Then the showing began, it was a video – a video of my family and friends from all over, saying nice things about me and wishing me a great year. People I truly love and appreciate. At this point I had nothing but tears to offer.

How did Chukwuma get all these people to make a video. OMG!!! I’m done. Good night guys…

This is the best I could come up with after many days. I haven’t fully recovered but I needed to show up and thank all the people who helped pull this off. To those who spent their entire day with us, running back and forth, decorating the house, showing up for lunch and dinner, to those who were literally paid to hold me down when he needed to buy himself some time to make sure I stayed out of the house for as long as he wanted me to, to those who corroborated his ‘stories’ to put me in the dark, to those who decorated my desk to the camera man, saxophonist, to all those who gave their time and resources to make my day. Thanks to all who showed up to add colour.

Now unto him who is able to do … Chuchu, nwokeoma m ji eme onu, nwoke n’eme ihe shiri ike (Chukwuma, a good man i brag about, a man who does great things). You don’t know how to do little. Intensity and depth and perfection is your thing. I already said thank you for everything but it doesn’t sound enough. All those things I told you from day one, I still stand by them. We have a lot to accomplish together. You and I are in this together. I’m going nowhere. You are beautiful beyond description!

To my amazing children, you don’t understand what daddy has done now but you are definitely experiencing the effects. Love lives here and we are happy to bring you guys up in this atmosphere of extreme friendship. Hey boy, don’t worry, dad’s gonna teach you. I got you girl!

I had a great day. Need I say that?

Read our travel story; How we visited 7 countries and 14 cities to celebrate our anniversary.

By Eresi 

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