packing list

9 Things You Don’t Need to Pack on Vacation

Travelling light has its benefits. You can catch the bus or walk a short distance to save cost without worrying about the extra baggage.

If the aim is to travel as light as possible, you should reconsider when packing the under-listed items.

  1. Hair dryer

Most hotels provide their guests with hair dryers and other hair products. When packing for a trip, always check with your desired place of stay to know the supplies available to you  before you pack.  Now, imagine the space this item occupies in a suitcase.

  1. Multiple shoes

Oh dear! I love shoes. When travelling, I always see the need to pack shoes for different outfits plus an extra ‘just in case’ shoe.

The truth is, whenever I pack 5 or more shoes, I end up wearing only 2 comfortable shoes. Every other shoe becomes ‘load’.

Unless you have meetings/events to attend, restrict yourself to 2-3 comfortable ones. It doesn’t hurt to acquire a new pair of shoe if you need to.

  1. Your Trainers

Okay, did you just give me the side eye? 🙂 Travel with your running shoes and then tell me how many times you used them. I’ll just leave this right there. Lol

  1. A different outfit for each day

Clothes can be heavy. Unless you plan to ‘turn up’ everyday, then you should ask yourself why you need a different outfit for each day.

Truth is, you will not wear everything so you should only pack what you need.

  1. Food/Drinks

Okay, so you packed your favorite noodles and think you need a pack of your favorite cereal too. Well, the purpose of travel is to explore and taste other cultures. Feel free to step out of your comfort zone when you travel and try what is available in your destination.

You will definitely return home to all your favorite things.

  1. Plenty Books

Restrict yourself to one or two books to save space in your suitcase. You may not have the time to finish one book on your trip.

  1. Bulky towels

Okay, where do you think you are going with that extra large towel? Huh? You can save some space by packing 2 small towels (preferably face towels).

  1. Too Many Toiletries

No matter how much I preach this one, I think I’ll forever be guilty. I love my body products and I stick with them. To solve this problem, I always travel with the miniature sizes so I don’t end up with a box full of liquids.

Learn from me. 🙂

  1. Your entire make up bag.

Ladies, this one is for you. I currently have atleast 3 make up bags and sincerely can’t remember how I even created them. One I travel with, another stays in my handbag and I keep one at home.

We are vain and we know this!!! 🙂

When abroad (especially during the winter), I hardly use makeup, however I consider it necessary to always have my makeup bag with me incase I need to take socially acceptable photos of myself. 🙂

Travel as light as you can. Thank me later.


Comments (2)

  1. Iprincess December 11, 2016
    • admin December 12, 2016

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