blogging lessons

Powerful Lessons Learned In My 4th Year of Blogging

Every year, I share some of the blogging lessons learned in the past year to inform and guide anyone looking to start a blog and grow their income. I often read that a good number of start-up blogs don’t make it through the first year of blogging. So, for each year that I succeed, I share the lessons it taught me.

In my 4th year, I learned two (2) very important lessons:

The Journey is EVERYTHING –

When I started blogging, I knew nothing about blogging. Nevertheless, I was determined to figure things out by myself and I did. The experience of starting a blog, learning on the go, and watching yourself progress over time is priceless. Just like in life, the beginning and end are nowhere near as important as what we experience and accomplish in between.

The first year was quite interesting, I made mistakes and learned from them. The second year and third year brought clarity and I have remained consistent.

It is often said that success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out and I completely agree with this. I established habits that helped me make small wins everyday, and acknowledged the progress that I made. I focused on providing useful and entertaining contents and improved on them daily. I stayed visible and consistent.

Engagement is key –

I also learned that engaging with readers is key. I offered free advice, created relationships with my readers and responded to them when they sent emails or leave comments. I travel often not just because I love to go and experience new cultures, but to seek out destinations and provide free advice on the blog to readers who would like to visit these places.

When we use our stories in service to our audience, we establish value and we can then offer our products and services to an audience who already see value in what we do. So, instead of trying to sell things to your readers early on, offer them valuable contents for free. The income will follow.

My fourth year was rewarding and fulfilling. We were nominated for several awards in the “Best Travel Blog” category, we got our first TV interview and also got featured on several local and international travel platforms. I can’t wait to see what the next year offers.

I am not the same. I am better.

Comments (6)

  1. iprincess January 1, 2020
    • Oto Tom January 2, 2020
    • Oto Tom January 2, 2020
  2. Tosin January 1, 2020
    • Oto Tom January 2, 2020

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