
My Dublin Experience By Edeje.

There is a saying that “no one but geese moves to Ireland for the weather”, so when I heard we were going to Dublin for our incentive trip, I was surprised. Irish weather is easily summed up in one word- WET!!! I had never been to Dublin and truly, the only thing I knew about Ireland was that it rained a lot but once in Dublin I began to understand the appeal.  Despite the not so great weather, Dublin is a city buried in great history.

We visited the Guinness Store House and got briefed on the brand history, learnt how to brew the perfect pint and of course got a taste of it. Being in marketing, I was particularly interested in old advertising messages which if used now, would result in huge profits for the company; the most hilarious being “drink 5million pints of Guinness a day for strength”. (Lol)

We also explored the famous Trinity College, a research University in Ireland with a massive library containing over 4.5 million printed volumes, manuscripts, maps and music.

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The Library of Trinity College is home to the Book of Kells which is Ireland’s cultural treasure and the world’s most famous medieval manuscript, containing the Gospels of the New Testament together with various prefatory texts and tables.

We also visited the popular Temple Bar and we were treated to some fine Irish dining and dancing and finally we had some free time to hit the shops.

In summary my Dublin experience was unexpectedly great and guess what…  it didn’t rain a wink. I would probably go back to Dublin with my family for a quiet getaway.


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