Dealing with long layovers

Avoid Doing These Things During Long Layovers

Dealing with long layovers can be challenging. These are some of the things you should avoid during long layovers;

1. Avoid drinking too much alcohol.

No matter how bored you think you are, getting drunk can never be the solution. You don’t want to be that terrible restless seat mate who reeks of alcohol and snores throughout the flight.

If you must drink, do it in moderation.

2. As much as possible, avoid leaving the airport.

If you have a long layover  of 6 hours or  more, you may be tempted to go through customs and immigration to explore the city or make a quick stop somewhere with a plan to return in good time to board your flight. This sounds like a good plan.

But what happens if something goes wrong and you are unable to make it back to the airport in time. Regrets are painful so you should think twice before leaving the airport on your own during a layover.

3. Sleeping without setting an alarm

So you check into an airport hotel and sleep off without leaving a wake up message or setting  an alarm. Then you wake up few minutes after your flight has taken off. How would you feel?

Always leave a message at the reception for a wake up call. This is very important.

4. Eating too much

Eating too much can leave you bloated and tired. Airports may have restrooms with ample space but what happens when you board the airplane and have to make frequent visits to the very uncomfortable enclosed lavatory because you couldn’t control yourself?

Eat in moderation when travelling. This isn’t the time to explore different cuisines especially when you know you don’t react well to certain foods. Wait till you arrive at your destination then you can eat all you want.

You don’t want to be the terrible passenger who farts on the airplane. 🙂

5. Leaving your bags unattended

Unattended bags are usually removed by airport authorities so always take your bags with you even when visiting the restroom. This is not only the proper thing to do but also a security measure we should be mindful of.

Asking a stranger to look after your bag while you rush to the restroom may not necessarily be a wise decision as anything could go wrong.

Keep your bags with you at all times.

6. Not locating your boarding gate early enough even when your flight is delayed.

You should always locate your boarding gate and keep checking for updates on your departure time and gate before your flight time. Avoid any last minute rush  and travel with ease and calm.

7. Sending sensitive data over airport WiFi connections

WiFi connections in most public areas are usually unsecured, therefore you must ensure you do not send sensitive data such as inputting passwords or logging into your bank accounts on such networks as this can expose you to identity theft/fraud.

8. Shopping too much

Always apply discipline when shopping, especially where you have limited space in your carry-on bag. You don’t want to end up with many shopping bags and no one to help you  carry them.

Read More: How to Handle Long Layovers When Traveling Alone

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