solo travel

The Solo Traveler (vol.1)

There is nothing like travelling with the perfect companion, but travelling solo has many personal benefits. People are often reluctant to travel alone especially to places they have never been to, due to safety concerns, boredom, loneliness and many more. Well, I have experienced these fears, nevertheless, travelling solo has become my preferred mode of travel and I will tell you why.

Travelling alone gives me the opportunity to indulge myself fully. I have the freedom to do what I really want to do, when I want to, make my own mistakes and figure nearly everything on my own. This creates independence and increases my problem solving ability.

However, to fully enjoy your trip, you should note the following:


I am a planner…. a chronic one, an unrepentant one. A typical example is me packing my bags for my trip 2 months to my departure date. Yes, I do this. 🙂 When you plan, you give yourself enough time to focus on your travel needs.

Read more: 11 Things You Should Never Travel Without

Know Your Destination:

Before you embark on your trip, it is important to obtain information about the place you plan to visit.

For instance, you do not want to arrive Dubai in the summer wearing a thick fur coat… Heat will kill you. 🙂

Google, find out about the top touristy things to do in your destination- transportation, accommodation, check reviews online and ask questions from people who have visited the same destination.

Have A Budget

Unless you plan to indulge in some luxury shopping, your ticket and accommodation will form your major expenditures so the trick is to book your travel tickets early and choose an accommodation that meets your taste.

If you are travelling alone on a budget, you have no business staying in a luxury apartment since you would be spending most of your time sightseeing. You will be bored.

Spend time on the internet and find out about tourist friendly accommodation near the places you would love to see and when you arrive at your destination, hit the ground running. Spend the first few days doing the touristy activities you plan to do. I always recommend the open bus tour or in most cases the guided walking tours for every first time visit.

As a solo traveller, you cannot afford to be stranded, therefore, it is necessary to have sufficient funds for your trip. This is relative depending on your lifestyle.

Read more: How to Save Money for Your Dream Vacation

Be Confident

Even when you are nervous, it is wise to look confident. Trust your instincts, observe the way people do things, never be in a haste, be polite and ask questions when in doubt.
Be ready to mingle, make new friends, and hang out with people whose first language isn’t the same as yours.

This is how you see the world.

Have you travelled solo before? Did you love the experience? Share your stories here.


Comments (17)

  1. Roomie eh! January 2, 2016
    • Oto Tom January 2, 2016
  2. iPrincess January 2, 2016
  3. debby January 4, 2016
  4. Uganze January 4, 2016
  5. Anonymous January 4, 2016
  6. Ayomipo January 6, 2016
    • Oto Tom January 6, 2016
  7. Kokoberrie January 6, 2016
  8. Lola January 8, 2016
  9. Bienzy Jaja Onumah January 22, 2016
  10. Pingback: General Visa Inquiries « The Wakaholic February 15, 2016
  11. Sito July 28, 2017
    • Oto Tom July 28, 2017
  12. Eromonsele Emmanuel May 18, 2019
    • Oto Tom May 18, 2019

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