
Life Lessons Learned While Traveling in Nepal

Lesego Jaziel is a passionate traveler who isn’t afraid to live the life she truly desires.

Follow her travel journey on Instagram @iamthatblackgirl_jaz

Traveling around Nepal is interesting, especially when you are black. I received numerous stares and several requests to be photographed due to the color of my skin. Nepal may not be the ideal destination, however, it is definitely worth the lessons you learn here.

According to Lonely Planet’s Annual “Best in Travel List”, Nepal is the Best Value Destination to travel in the year 2017. As per the publication, Nepal is speedily bouncing back from the twin earthquake and the fuel embargo imposed in the year 2015.  It remains a fabulous choice for budget-conscious travelers, who can access the best of its world-famous trekking routes and underrated wildlife for well south of US$ 50 a day. Visitor numbers are slowly recovering and the time is ripe to get back to Nepal’s mighty mountains; wherever you go, you’ll receive a warm welcome, as your visit brings much-needed income to communities getting back on their feet.

Coming to Nepal, I didn’t have high expectations of the country. I wanted to experience the country for myself, explore and learn about the culture of the people of Nepal. I visited several sites destroyed by the earthquake which were never rebuilt, took road trips and even enjoyed a cable car ride to the mountains.

Visiting during monsoon season isn’t pleasant. I had promised myself i was never going on a cable car again after my last visit to Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa. However, i couldn’t resist the experience in Nepal. It was one of the scariest cable car rides I had been on.

Nepalese are peaceful people. I come from a country where people burn buildings and schools and block roads when they are protesting for better service delivery from the government!!! Nepalese don’t have it all yet they carry on. They appreciate what they have.

Travelling will change your life, do it more often.

It doesn’t have to be to some expensive exotic island. I paid 200dirhams for my whole stay in Nepal. It is decent and it is nice. The people are caring and I gained experiences that I will forever cherish for the rest of my life.

Lesego Jaziel is a passionate traveler who isn’t afraid to live the life she truly desires.

Follow her travel journey on instagram @iamthatblackgirl_jaz

One Response

  1. Kea November 26, 2018

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