Full Tour Of Manchester United – Old Trafford Stadium

In the words of Carlo Ancelotti, “Football is the most important of the less important things in the world.”

I am not a big fan of football, however, I have friends who are.

While in Manchester I did a full tour of Manchester United – Old Trafford Stadium. I did it for the footfall fans.

It was a well-organized tour of the Museum and the Stadium where we were directed by a tour guide to see the players’ tunnel, walk next to the world-famous pitch, visit the dressing rooms and the press room, etc.

This experience should not be missed when visiting Manchester.

The Opening times for the Museum and Old Trafford Stadium Tour are listed below: –

09:30 to 16:00 (Sunday –Wednesday)

09:30 – 17:00 (Thursday – Saturday) except home matchdays when it is closed

The Cost for the Museum and Old Trafford Stadium Tour:

I paid £25 for the tour. Walk-up prices are higher than online prices, so be sure to book online for the best price.

For more information visit the portal here.

To watch the video of this experience, see below.

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