East Timor

East Timor: A Secret Paradise.

Timor Leste, also known as East Timor is one of the newborn nations of the world. It is a Southeast Asian country occupying half the island of Timor. South of the island, the Timor Sea separates the country from Australia. To the north of the island are the Ombai Strait, Wetar Strait, and the greater Banda Sea. To the west lies the Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara.

Capital: The capital of East Timor and largest city is Dili, and the second-largest city is the eastern town of Baucau.

Language: Portuguese, Tetun.

Currency: US Dollars

Weather: The climate is tropical and generally hot and humid.

Cuisine: The cuisine of East Timor has influences from Southeast Asian foods and from Portuguese dishes. It consists of regional popular foods such as pork, fish, basil, tamarind, legumes, corn, rice, root vegetables, and tropical fruit. Fried fish is a very popular dish, with prawns being considered a delicacy. Curries are a standard dish, with chicken curry topping the list as a favorite.

Top Attractions:

Cristo Rei of Dili statue

This is an 88.6-foot-high (27.0 m) statue of Jesus located on a globe in Dili. It is one of the main tourist attractions in East Timor.


Nino Konis Santana National Park

This is East Timor’s first national park. The park is named in honor of the independence movement national hero Nino Konis Santana, a former commander of Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor.

Timor- Nick Hobgood- Com_Beach
Photo Credit- Nick Hobgood


Atauro Island

This is a small island situated 25km north of Dili. The name means ‘goat’ in the local language, and it was so named because of the large number of goats kept there.

timor atauro


One Dollar Beach

This beach is a popular attraction in Dili. Visitors used to be charged a dollar, hence the name ‘one dollar beach’.

Timor-one dollar
Photo credit- travellerspoint.com



Comments (2)

  1. iprincess June 13, 2016
    • Oto Tom June 14, 2016

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