Destinations in Asia

Destinations in Asia

Rita and Enobong sat in the restaurant in New Orleans eating their meal and chatting. They had just completed their Wakaholic tour where they boarded the Norwegian Sky from Miami Florida on a 4-Day Cruise to explore Havana, Cuba and the Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas.

“My husband and I are travelling to Asia next month but we are not sure of the destinations to visit. The travel guides are not helping” Enobong said gloomily.

“Asia? I toured the continent last year! I had fun exploring some destinations in Asia” Rita replied enthusiastically.

“Really? And you never told me about your trip?” Enobong inquired with raised eyebrows.

“Sorry, it just escaped my memory, I can give you some destination tips if you want” Rita offered.

“Yes please”

“Visit Chiang Mai, Thailand. It is a pleasant city where orange-robed monks from the many temples smile as they pass. There are numerous cultural festivals, sprawling night markets, mountain trekking and scores of beautiful temples!”


“Then head off to Penang, Malaysia. It’s known as the pearl of the Orient, Penang is a place to relax, eat delicious meals, visit hip museums and art galleries!”

“That’s cool”

“You must go to Singapore, the tiny modern Island country. You will enjoy the food, the Mega-mall shopping, and unique blend of cultures.”

“But I heard Singapore is an expensive place”

“Yes it is but it is worth the money”

“Okay, I will budget for Singapore”

“On your bucket list too should be Malaysian Borneo Island located in Southeast Asia. It is a natural paradise with vast rainforests, orangutans, and indigenous cultures”

“Asia seems to have many Island destinations”

“Yeah, Asia has beautiful Island tourist attractions. Another great place to visit is Siem Reap in Cambodia. It is the gateway to exploring one of Southeast Asia’s most fascinating UNESCO world heritage sites. The picturesque 900 years old Angkor temples attract one million visitors each year”

“That sounds interesting”

“Yeah, it is.”

“How about China, can I see the country?”

“Yes of course! You must visit Beijing. The crowded city is so appealing. It has amazing UNESCO world heritage sites such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden city.”

“Wow, I certainly have a lot of sightseeing to do”

“The seventh place on the bucket list is the world’s largest metropolitan economy, Tokyo!”

“Thank you so much for the tips”

“You’re welcome. You should squeeze out sometime when you are in Asia to check out Bali in Indonesia, the Thai Islands and Rajasthan in India!”

“You are an encyclopedia of knowledge, Rita!” Enomfon exclaimed.

“Thank you, that’s what travelling wide does to you ” Rita replied with a confident smile.

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