A Letter To My Younger Self

A Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Younger Self,

I know you have big dreams for yourself; dreams so big they scare you. First, I want you to know that your dreams are valid and achievable, but I must warn you that the world will not just handover to you what you want. You’ve got to go grab it yourself.

A little word of advice dear young one… Learn PATIENCE and learn it early!!! Patience with people and patience in love, because soon you will realize that everyone you meet in life has a lesson to teach you. Treat people with kindness, refrain from anger and be the type of person that adds value to the lives of those around you. Be the best friend you can be.

Love beyond measure! Be loved! Be a woman who is talented & gifted, fearless yet honoring, connected yet self-contained, present yet far reaching, compassionate yet fierce, pure but not naive, strong & gentle, simple yet highly strategic. Remember, the future will always be better than the present and you have the power to make it so.

Life will continue to throw curve balls at you; nevertheless trust the process, seek adventures that open your mind, enjoy each moment, travel the world, learn from your mistakes and live with no regrets.

Your life will be what you have imagined and even better, because you have the power and wisdom to find and create your own happiness. So, keep soaring against all odds, trust that every season serves a purpose and everything you need will come to you at the right time.




Your Older Wiser Self


Read more: 35 Destinations I Plan To Visit Before I Turn 35

Comments (2)

  1. Iprincess May 30, 2017
    • admin June 19, 2017

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