He Rode A Bike From Lagos to Paris

Captain Sam is a retired Pilot who lives his best life.

He embarked on a thrilling journey on a motorcycle from Lagos, Nigeria to Paris, France, and back to Lagos.
The journey was not without its challenges.
He left Lagos, Nigeria on the 14th of December 2023 and arrived in Paris on the 10th of January 2024, staying a few nights. He began his return journey and arrived in Lagos, on January 31, 2024.
From Lagos, he crossed the Seme Boarder and made a stop at Grand Popo, Benin Republic where he spent the night. He continued his journey the next day to Cape Coast, Ghana. Between Cape Coast and Mali, he spent 2 nights in Bamako, Mali.
He left Bamako for the border town of Kayes, however, he could not ride at night due to the bad road and security situation. He stopped at a town called Diema which is 300km from the border with Senegal.
He travelled 12 hours from Diema to Tambacounda, Senegal, then spent the night and travelled for 6 hours from Tambacounda to Dakar, Senegal the next day.
According to him “The major obstacle was the length of time to cross the Sahara to Marrakech, Morocco.
The LOWS he experienced on his journey:
  • Mauritania was a nightmare. He experienced 5 hours delay at Rosso which is the border between Mauritania and Senegal and an additional 1:20 minutes delay by policemen, 10 km to Nouakchott.
  • According to him “the Rosso border is horrible on both sides (Mauritania/ Senegal). He met corrupt Senegalese border police who insisted on being paid 10000CFA before his motorcycle papers could be registered for exit from Senegal. He got scammed by money changers at the same border.
  • He experienced extremely cold temperatures and rains in the Sahara and Europe especially while riding at night.
In his words “I greatly underestimated the distances involved. Africa is huge”
When asked if he would do it again, his response was “My plan is a World Tour”
Below is a video of his experience riding from Lagos to Europe.


Comments (2)

  1. Abel U. Udoh March 13, 2024
    • Oto Tom March 13, 2024

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