Christmas Day

Christmas Day Celebration Around the World

The Christmas season is here once again! You already know Christmas is an annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas day which is the 25th of December is a public holiday in many nations of the world and it is observed by Christians and many non-Christians. The celebration is marked by religious gatherings especially during the morning hours, giving of gifts, family gatherings, social gatherings, carnivals, and symbolic decorations.

In some parts of the world, the Christmas days come in the winter & harmattan season. Winter is characterized by snow and harmattan is characterized by foggy weather in the morning, scorching sun and dry wind afternoon and dewy evenings. The events and happenings of Christmas day differ from villages to Cities.

In rural areas of some West African Countries, the day is marked by events such as normal religious gatherings in the morning, friendly soccer matches for youth between villages and communities, sounds of bangers are heard on the streets, little boys, girls, and teenagers here and there scamper for fun. Local band groups and disco houses are not left out as indigenous music is played at mini-concerts and pubs are always filled by young and old men who choose to celebrate their achievements after a long year of toiling. Only a few vehicles would be seen on the roads because most people would be out having fun or at home eating and chatting with family members or friends.

On the other hand, Christmas day in cities could be excessively glamorous. Street and home decorations glittering with Christmas colours of red, white, green and gold, add colour to the day. Sounds of Christmas jingles sift through the atmosphere as different delight spots boom with business. With the organizing of shows and art performances, there are always reasons to stay out during the Christmas season.

If you don’t want to stay indoor on Christmas day, you can go on a road trip, visit Christmas themed parks and villages, or turn up at an open-air concert. You can also take part in a Christmas street carnival.

Old-time friends meet and greet, some go pool partying while others put up intelligent performances to project their talents and entertain passers-by. Imagine families holding hands to make memories as the camera flickers at their smiles, friends gisting and laughing wildly by the roadside, lovers smooching in anticipation of a blissful forever after.

 At the end of the day, everyone tries to find their way home and this can be quite a task. With traffic congestion on the road, one is certain of sitting in vehicles for very long hours and listening to honking of cars and screeching sound of the brakes as drivers try not to collide with the cars in front and eventual cries, quarrels, and fights that result if that happens. After all the fun and not-so-funny moments of the day, people return to their homes happy, relieved, fulfilled and sometimes sad.

Whatever you choose to do this season, have yourself a Merry Christmas.

From all of us at The Wakaholic.

One Response

  1. iprincess December 24, 2019

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