Paying yourself a salary

7 Powerful Life Lessons Learned in 35 years

They say time passes when you’re having fun. I’m particularly grateful for the opportunity to experience life this way.

Here are 7 Powerful Life Lessons I Learned in my 35 years on earth:

1. Friends are family we make for ourselves.

They say family is everything and I totally agree. Family here isn’t limited to relation by blood. You can grow your family beyond that. I have been immensely blessed with the best and I have also been the best.

2. We can influence our future if we know what we want it to be

You can be anything you want to be. The universe is designed to give you that which you seek. But you must want it, and you must want it more than you are afraid of it.

Powerful Life Lessons

3. Travel is never a matter of money but of courage

Did I hear you say, you can’t buy a flight ticket with courage? True maybe. However, you’ll need courage to do a lot more.

Courage has paid lots more for my travels than money ever did. Traveling often begins with the courage to try. The courage to sacrifice other things you want for your travel goals. The courage to say “if I have to starve till the next pay-day, atleast I accomplished my travel goals.

Travel is never a matter of money but of courage

4. Bad times don’t last.

This is the reason why you must consciously create the environment you want to exist in, by constantly focusing on the things that bring you peace and guarding same jealously.

When in doubt, check your peace level.

Paying yourself a salary

5. Time heals EVERYTHING.

You see that one thing causing you sleepless nights now, give it time. Months, years down the line, IT WILL NOT MATTER ANYMORE.

Powerful Life Lessons

6. You are as good as those you associate with.

Make the right connections. Whether you know it or not, you represent a brand. Therefore you must constantly influence the way people perceive you.

Plane ticket

7. Travel, your money will return. Your time won’t.

When I travel, I go all out. I break the bank, I break limiting beliefs, I travel for the experience, I travel for the memories, I travel so life will not escape me.

The experience is far more valuable to me than money will ever be. And at the end, my money always returns. When it returns, I travel again. I work to travel.

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