
The Life of a Traveller

Travellers are nomads, always on the move, they are adventurers, explorers, wayfarers etc. They have the wanderlust, they are a breed of human beings with restless feet, unable to stay in a place for a long time.

Travellers come from all walks of life, from bustling cities, vibrant towns, sleeping villages, they come from everywhere.


Travellers are courageous people, it takes courage to leave a familiar environment, city, place, and people and head off to an unfamiliar destination.

Travellers are not always rich. They are not always financially well off, they don’t travel for luxury. The money they use for travel comes from their hard work, their savings, and sacrifices. They don’t really care about money because they are happy living with just barely enough as long as they are on the road. They have given up plenty of comfort and luxuries for the sake of travel. They would rather choose a cheap dorm bed in a cheap hostel, a hammock, tent,  a couch, or concrete floor. They will sleep in night boats, in bamboo huts with indigenous people, in stilt houses in shanty towns and anywhere else.

Travellers feel very much alive when they are out there on the road living nomadically with nothing but their possessions in their backpacks. Anything is possible in their lives and they fully embrace this fact.

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Travellers are intrigued by every culture. They are happy when they go to a new country they’ve never been to. They immerse themselves in every experience and soak their souls with depth. They believe smiles are universal and they see people’s stories through their smiles.

Travellers are patient people, they have learned not to allow challenges and misadventures get the best of them and ruin their day. Travellers face their fears and unlearn them.

Travellers have dedicated their hearts to the road. Even when they are not travelling, they are thinking about it, working to save up for their next trip, the thought of travelling motivates them to make it a reality. Their minds are constantly drifting towards the next destination on the travel list, the next adventure, and the next experience. They are always skimming through travel guide pages and daydreaming.

Travellers do not just travel to go, they travel to evolve, they want to embrace new experiences and change horizons. They find clarity in the blur of the places zooming past them as they look through the windows of their vehicles. The road will always be their home.

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Travellers are storytellers, they have a baggage of stories to tell everyone they meet on the way: stories of wild adventures, of lived dreams, of conquered fears, of enchanting places, of lessons turned into gold and of lessons from the road.

So travellers travel not just for travelling sake and to marvel at people, places, and things but they travel to learn, to experience and feel the full range of being human in this world.

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