If you know me, then you already know that I can be petty. 🙄
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about my flight experience from Uyo to Lagos, Nigeria with Aero.
Typically, I’m that annoying passenger who would insist on a preferred seat (usually an aisle seat). But this time, I was distracted.
I boarded the aircraft, Lo and Behold, I discovered that I was assigned the last & least seat on the plane. 19F!!! 😳
It wasn’t just the ugliest seat on that plane, it was torn and detached at the back & the lavatory was right behind me.

Dear Lord, why me? Who did I offend?😭
The following conversation ensued between the air hostess & I.
Hostess: “Is there a problem?”
Me: “Yes o, a very big problem. I want a different seat. This one is detached and I am finicky like that. I even took a photo of it, which I intend to share.”
Hostess: “I only asked because I saw you standing. Once the door is shut, you’ll get another seat.”
Me: “Thank you Ma.”
Her words were rehearsed, I couldn’t fault it. However, it was her facial expression that required deliverance. She had an attitude. The type of attitude & look 👀 that says “who does this one think she is?” 😆
- Are you sure you do not want to venture into road transportation? This airline business is not for the faint-hearted.😏
- Train your staff on how to deal with petty passengers like me because we talk too much.🤨
Read More: My Review of Flying with Etihad Airways
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