Funny Experience With A Man With The Funny Hat On RwandAir

What is the funniest, annoying or most embarrassing thing that happened to you while traveling in a foreign country?

I boarded my flight from Kigali to Lagos and while boarding, I thought it’d be great to do a flight review of RwandAir with a photo of me and the RwandAir Logo behind.

So I allowed everyone else board and then walked up to the hostesses by the door and told them I wanted to take a photo. They allowed me and after watching me struggle to get a good selfie with the logo, one hostess offered to help.

You all know how awkward it feels to take this kind of photo with everyone else watching and paying close attention, but Yours Truly has no “photo shame”. I can literally stop in the middle of the highway just to take a photo. 🙂

While at it, this middle-aged man with A FUNNY HAT made his way up to the aircraft. He watched us from far and smiled when he got close and I thought… “Okay, he gets it” and I returned a warm smile and stepped aside for him to pass.

And then he took it a notch or two lower and decided to crack an expensive joke and said to me in very strong words… “Finish taking your photos, when you finish, then FOLLOW ME HOME”.

Seriously brother??? Usually, I would have a response for every verbal attack but not this time. I and the hostess just stood there and watched him in disgust without uttering a word.

Okay, I wrapped up my photo shoot and returned to my seat. Behold… my demons woke up and i started playing a mental series of response i should have given THE MAN WITH THE FUNNY HAT.

“Follow him home? As what? As how? 🙂 How could he? Why didn’t you respond to him Oto? He just disrespected you. How do you let anyone get away with that?  Why couldn’t you find the right words in time? Cat got your tongue? Why was it so difficult for him to mind his business? Who does he think he is?”

I left my seat and strolled down the aisle just to locate where he was seated. I couldn’t find him.

Then I started plotting how I would locate him when we land in Lagos and step on his toes deliberately so he could utter a word to provoke the demons. Even the word “Sorry” from him, was going to be a reason to quarrel. 🙂

The demons were at work. 🙁

We landed Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos and THE MAN WITH THE FUNNY HAT was nowhere to be found. 🙁

Turned out it wasn’t my “fine picture day” after-all. I didn’t get the perfect photo. 🙁

Read More: My Review of flying with RwandAir

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Comments (4)

  1. Iprincess June 9, 2017
    • admin June 10, 2017
  2. Raph March 28, 2020
    • Oto Tom March 30, 2020

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