Paris is for Lovers

Paris is for Lovers: Our Love Story

I met Kufre at a mutual friend’s wedding in New Rochelle, New York where he was one of the groomsmen and I was a guest.

Prior to this meeting, a mutual friend had introduced us and we spoke once over phone. We didn’t meet and I forgot he even existed.

As fate would have it, we met, this time in person. 🙂

I arrived New Rochelle the night before the wedding day and checked into the hotel reserved for the wedding guests. The next morning I went down to the restaurant for breakfast with a plan to pop in and say hi to my friend- the groom before the wedding.

When I got downstairs, I met the groom with about 15 guys or more seated at the bar (Kufre was one of them). 😉

I exchanged pleasantries with the guys I could recognize and maybe said hi to Kufre (I can’t recall).

After breakfast, a few guys including Kufre, wanted a haircut and I needed to go by the mall so I joined them. Strolling into the mall, Kufre stalled and walked by me.

First, he tried the “fake” British accent thing and said…

He: Hi there…I’m Kufre. You are?

Me: Hey! I’m Edidiong.

He: Nice! So what do you do?

Me: I work at the pharmacy.

He: Another Pharmacist! Ya? That seems to be a common profession here in the US. Ekwere (the groom) is a Pharmacist and a few other guys here are too, so I conclude.

Me: That’s funny. There are non-pharmacists who work at the pharmacy you know?

He: Nice I’m visiting from the U.K. Ekwere is my childhood friend. Nice chatting, see you around. CHEERS!

Me: Okay… see you around too.

Then I thought to myself, “What a weird guy”. What kind of person says “Cheers” though??? 🙂

I went about my day. Later, at the wedding party, he approached me and asked for a dance. I said to myself “Oh, this U.K. guy who says “cheers” is back again. 😂😂😂

He: Are you shy? (with the fake accent )🙄

Me: NO! WHY?

He: You act like it

ME: Whatever… of course I’m not.

He: Do you remember my name?

Me: Yeah you said Kufre. So, Mr. Kufre do you have a surname?

He: Kufre Uwem. My friends call me Dongo.

Me: Hmm… I know that name. We have spoken over the phone before.

He: Really? No way!

Me: Oh yes we have, you called me.

(Then he recalls the conversation we had after I mention the mutual friend involved and says…)

He: Yes you are absolutely right, What a coincidence. Now you should dance with me.

And then, we danced! We haven’t stopped dancing! We won’t stop dancing together!

In March 2017, to mark my birthday, Kufre surprised me with a trip to the City of Love- Paris, France.

And in Paris, he made a promise to love me for the rest of his life.

Today, we are engaged to be married soon.

Find out How Travel brought love back to our lives

Paris is for Lovers!!!

Read more: Our Honeymoon Experience in Bora Bora by Kokoberrie

Comments (10)

  1. Iprincess June 27, 2017
    • Edidiong June 27, 2017
  2. Khadijat June 27, 2017
    • Edidiong June 27, 2017
  3. Anonymous June 27, 2017
  4. Ini July 2, 2017
  5. Wahida July 4, 2017
  6. Anonymous January 29, 2018
  7. The Ajala Bug January 30, 2018
    • Oto Tom January 30, 2018

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