Hawaiian Themed Party

Hawaiian Themed Party: We brought Hawaii to Lagos

How did you spend your weekend? I attended this Hawaiian Themed Party at Harbour Point, Victoria Island- Lagos, an event organised by Standard Chartered Bank to mark their year-end.

We all know Lagosians love a good party- the turn up was amazing. We were entertained by Kiss Daniel and other talented artists.Β 

Has anyone else noticed how folks can’t keep their phones down on the dance floor??? Everyone had their phones up in the air, making video recordings of themselves on the dance floor? I’m either getting too old or haven’t received the memo yet.

Remind me to try mine next time. πŸ™‚

Our colorful photos can tell our story! Share yours too.


Hawaiian Themed Party Hawaiian Themed Party

Our photographer didn’t capture ‘Aloha’. πŸ™
Hawaiian Themed Party
No we weren’t drunk πŸ™‚


Find out why we love the city of Lagos here.

Comments (4)

  1. Iprincess January 30, 2017
    • admin January 31, 2017
  2. Jessie January 31, 2017
    • admin January 31, 2017

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