wakaholic adventure

Wakaholic Adventure 2016: Our Photos, Our Story.

Wakaholic Adventure 2016 was a huge success. We took a weekend trip to Inagbe Grand Resorts & Leisure and spent the weekend, networking, dining and engaging in numerous exciting recreational activities. We partied hard and had mind blowing conversations with the greatest minds.

We gave a free pass to one lucky person- Emma Uwan  who shared this winning story. Emma isn’t just a loyal reader; she is also a major contributor and has shared multiple travel stories on this platform. She shared her Vatican City ExperienceParis Experience and Italy through her eyes. Remember, you too can win big by sharing your travel experiences with us. Find out how you can share your stories here.

My greatest take away from this experience is the power of the mind. When your mind is made up, the universe will join hands to support you in making desired things happen. This started out as a simple thought but has metamorphosed into this amazing experience because I dared to believe I could accomplish it, by setting defined goals and working with the right team.

This is what Ayo had to say about Wakaholic Adventure 2016;

“What was your weekend like? I spent mine with the funniest, craziest and coolest set of people God created.

Destination: Inagbe Grand Resorts and Leisure.  15 minutes via boat from Victoria Island.

Whose Idea?: Oto Tom. 

So you’all know Oto Tom has a travel blog and is extremely passionate about traveling, yea? She birthed this idea of yearly group travels and Inagbe was the first. So I brag about having the capacity to have fun… but I was with these bunch of super ‘crazy’ people who were fun personified, you’ll wonder how their brains are wired. For sure we are doing this again next year, God-willing and we shall be taking it a notch or two higher…. Thinking Seychelles.

Lesson learnt – you can have an amazing life if you spend it with amazing people. We already have an amazing God so find your own amazing people and just live.

Did you miss out on this event? Why not join us next year (Wakaholic Adventure 2017) as we explore Seychelles. Seychelles received majority of votes at the last event and was declared the winning destination. So there you have it… we shall explore Seychelles come June, 2017.

If you want to be part of this event, please contact us on thewakaholic@gmail.com.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words; ours is worth even more…

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Early Morning gossip :-)
Early morning gossip 🙂





Do you know that you can earn Award Miles when flying with KLM or any of their airline partners? It’s very easy to earn them: you simply mention your Flying Blue number while booking. And if you forgot to do so, you can still claim your missing miles within 6 months.

Earning miles will help you maintain and upgrade your membership level, and you could even earn enough miles to travel for free to any of your desired destination or get an upgrade to business class. Yes, you heard right.

So, go ahead and book your first trip and claim your miles.


Comments (15)

  1. Jaguar lion September 30, 2016
    • Jaguar Tiger September 30, 2016
    • Chiomzy September 30, 2016
    • admin September 30, 2016
  2. IPrincess September 30, 2016
    • admin September 30, 2016
  3. Ayomipo September 30, 2016
    • admin September 30, 2016
  4. Chiomzy September 30, 2016
    • admin September 30, 2016
  5. Jaguar lion September 30, 2016
  6. Daffylicious October 1, 2016
    • admin October 1, 2016
  7. Joan November 17, 2016
    • admin November 18, 2016

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