travel plan

Awaken Your Travel Spirit in 2020

The year 2020 offers a fresh start for you on your travel adventure. There is a lot to see in the world. Have you been lazy and procrastinating about taking that tour in 2019? 2020 is the year to take traveling seriously.

1. Draw up a travel plan

Pick up a pen and notebook and write out your plans. Make a list of the places you would like to travel to this year. The places could be the next city, town or village. It can also be another country on the same continent or on a different continent. Create your bucket list. Set timelines. For eg, Traveling to Canada in March, touring the pyramids of Egypt in February, etc. After creating the list, keep it in a place that you can always come across it to serve as a reminder.

2. Research 

It is not enough to draw up a bucket list, you must also research your plan. You have to get information about the places you want to go to, information on the sites of interest, visa, currency exchange rates, accommodation and lodging, feeding, security, calling up friends to ask for information, etc. The information you have will help you in your choice of destination.

3. Make a move 

When you’ve gathered the necessary information, you need to make a move to actualize your travel plans. It may include applying for a visa, calling up a hotel to make a reservation, booking with a travel agency, buying travel gear, etc.  Every move you make should be geared towards actualizing your travel dream.

4. Get funding 

You need money to take care of travel expenses. Depending on where you are traveling, you may have to start saving money to meet up. Traveling doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive. You just have to explore all financial options available to you and try as much as you can to save costs.

5. Travel 

When the plan is in place and the funding is secured,  then travel. Hop on the plane, hop on the train and travel. Just do it! 

6. Document your travel experience

Take photos, videos, write a diary, make blog posts, share on social media, etc. You have to preserve the memories. Anytime you go through them you will feel the sense of accomplishment of having successfully met your travel goals for the year.


Travelling is fun and educative, 2020 is going to be a year of a boom in travel and tourism across the world. Don’t be left out, join the train.

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