The Bahamas

Destination: The Bahamas by Maggie


I remember many years ago, while in secondary school, we had what was called “slum books” (could have been christened something else now) and I’d fill the column that had “favorite place/country” with BAHAMAS. No I hadn’t been there, but I had to “fake it till I made it” Lol. Many years after, I’ve been blessed to see a lot of destinations with my family.

Amongst several wishes on my bucket list, is seeing all 7 continents with our children before they leave the nest & start buying their own tickets (I bet they’ll be grateful they had us.)

I was blessed to visit the BAHAMAS with my family. It was my son’s turn to pick a vacation destination and he picked Atlantis, Bahamas based on the numerous fun advertisements he’d seen on TV.

It was an amazing experience, the people were as warm as the beautiful weather, the food was great, and yes, the Bahamas Papa & Mama was on refill. Lol.

One wish on this trip for me was to swim the Atlantic… and I did. The tan had long faded, but the memories, we’ll have forever!

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