Carnival Caribbean Cruise

Actionable Tips For Your Next Caribbean Cruise by Akon

So, last year summer I got to go on a 7 day Carnival Southern Caribbean Cruise with my significant other at the time and the vacation was suggested by him 😊. I need to learn to take more pictures capturing moments on vacations.
Anyways, we did 5 countries boarding from San Juan, Puerto Rico. It was a fun and memorable experience and I would definitely recommend a cruise ship vacation.

Some suggestions:
*Go as a group with fun adventurous people, not just as a couple. 😄
*I’m a planner and all about research. We chose a room that was on the upper decks and close to the middle of the ship. No sea sickness here, until I indulged in some alcohol at a comedy show and the boat was swaying a lot that night, I held it together though. 🙂
*Splurge a little and choose a balcony room. The view is lovely and fresh air is needed when you are in your room.
* Leave your diets at home, there are too many varieties of food and restaurants to decline.
* Don’t go with the ship cruise’s excursion because they are overpriced. There are other options. We used Shore Trips, so choose a legit company though.
* If you choose to go swimming with dolphins, take roughly US$100 with you, you pay for the pictures they take. (They definitely find ways to make more money)
* Be adventurous and take one of those taxi tour or even a private taxi. You’ll be fine, I’m still alive right? 🙂
* You are allowed to bring bottles of water so do just that. I won’t recommend drinking the water on the ship.
* If you want diamonds or jewelries, bring US$ it’s cheaper to buy.
* Ladies do bring an evening dress because people do go all out for the dining event, I learnt the hard way.
*Go for the comedy shows and the other shows as well.
* Be a kid again and go play games in the game room.
* Do tip the Ship crew workers, they work really hard.

Lastly, travel, travel travel. There’s so much to see, experience and people to meet.

akon4 akon6 akon5 akon3 akon2 akon1


One Response

  1. Iprincess December 17, 2016

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