blogging lessons

4 Powerful Lessons Learned in my 3rd Year of Blogging

The Wakaholic is 3 years old and I am super elated. I remember my first year of blogging, the challenges I encountered trying to define my path and the blogging lessons learned. You have probably read that a good number of start-up blogs do not make it through the first year of blogging, but here I am in year 3 and still going strong-birthing new ideas as we grow.

I’m always delighted to share some of the blogging lessons learned in the past year to inform and guide anyone looking to start a blog and grow their income.

Here are some of the blogging lessons learned and the reality check I did in my 3rd year of running The Wakaholic

I am NOT a Superwoman

I am definitely not a superwoman. Therefore I cannot do it all by myself. 

Blogging is easier when you love to write and have the time to. However, when you work full-time as I do, it becomes overwhelming.

In my 3rd year, I decided to get help after doing it on my own for almost 3 years. It became quite challenging to keep up with posting regularly and creating the time to promote these posts on several platforms to reach a larger audience. Getting a virtual assistant to help me, significantly reduced the pressure on me to research on articles and keywords to post weekly. I now focus on traveling and developing contents that are unique to me and my travel experiences.

Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life

I am still discovering that content is not only key, it is everything! When you focus on providing relevant experience that adds value to the reader’s life, then the sale would follow.

As Laura Fitton would say, “Focus on the core problem that your niche solves and put out contents and enthusiasm ideas about how to solve that problem.”

Blogging can be a get-rich-fix if you know what you are doing 

Before you chew me out, first, listen. Blogging alone won’t earn you the money you desire. However, you can develop your own product or service where you can control how, when and what you earn.

Once you have developed a unique product or service that meets a need or solves a problem, promote your contents until it pays. If you aren’t visible, nobody knows where to send their money.

In my first year, I started the Wakaholic Adventure, an annual group travel event where we elect tourist-friendly destinations and explore these places together, creating the best travel experience, establishing valuable relationships with some of the happiest people on earth, and capturing the most picturesque moments.

In 2 years, we have traveled across 3 continents – Africa, Europe, and Asia. No other group travels the way we do. We are unique and we connect the world through travel.

To join our next group trip, send an email to

It’s okay to fail.

In my 3rd year, I learned that it is totally okay to fail. “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” 

In 2018, I was denied a Schengen visa renewal to my own event. This was a big blow in the face as I usually lead the group on these trips. We applied as a group and some members of the group were granted the visas for the intended purpose, while others were told that there wasn’t enough justification for the same purpose.

As a frequent traveler, I have a passport that looks like a bible. Hence I have acquired multiple visas in the past without question.

As a full-time corporate lawyer with a renowned Litigation and Commercial Law firm in Lagos, Nigeria, I absolutely love my life at home and presently do not nurse any intention to settle abroad. Therefore, when I opt to visit a country, it is mostly for tourism which in my opinion is vital to any economic growth.

This major setback didn’t deter me. I proceeded to plan a second group trip to the Maldives to accommodate the team that was denied the Schengen visa while the team granted Schengen visas proceeded to explore Europe.

Wakaholic Adventure 2018

It was particularly challenging for me to plan a second trip within a short time when prices had reached its peak. And yes, I lost a lot of money and spent some too, however, the lessons I learned and the experience thereafter, was priceless.

Wakaholic Adventure 2018

These were the blogging lessons learned in my 3rd year. I can’t wait to see what the next year offers.

Read more: Powerful Lessons I learned in my second year of blogging

Comments (4)

  1. Anonymous January 6, 2019
    • Oto Tom January 6, 2019
  2. Paula January 6, 2019
    • Oto Tom January 7, 2019

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